I don't believe in Murphy's law. That doesn't debar me from blaming a lot of things in my life on it. Like my JEE rank. Like my grandma entering the room when there's a smooching scene in some movie i'm watching. Like it always rains on my b'day; every single year...year after year.
Like when someone else always orders better looking stuff than me in a restaurant.
But I openly challenge Mr. Long Dead Murphy. There have been so many times when I've almost wanted to fall on my knees and shout "hallelujah!!!" at the top of my voice. Like when the weather miraculously cleared up before the spring fest and illu. Like when I shop and invariably get the best-est bargains ( and my wingies tell me that they want to go shopping with me). Like when the profs almost never take attendance when i'm absent. Like when i always order the stuff that tastes the best in a restaurant.
By the way the above things were in no specific order, just in case you think i'm a SF* fanatic or a illu fanatic for that matter. And, for the record, i love both the above events....though illu* not so much as SF. If you've ever been a core team member you'll understand. You develop a whole new vocabulary- a cal trip doesnt mean a shopping/movie-watching expdition anymore, a night out doesnt imply watching a movie or hanging out at eggies/chhedis*, a head* doesnt refer to a part of your anatomy...you actually have a lot of heads for that matter. For the uninitiated, this may sound like a whole truckload of gibberish. Trust me, in KGP, it is serious stuff.
SF-spring fest, annual cultural festival, iit kharagpur
illu-illumination competition, iit kharagpur
eggies/chhedis- restaurants(!!!!) in and around the campus
head-core committe head of the spring fest
ok...now i realise what a sucker i am for all things kgp :D and i'd promised myself i'll not write eulogies about SF and the insti. Yeah right!